V School for Veterans. Now accepting GI Bill®
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Veterans: Ready to Launch Your Tech Career?

Leverage your G.I. Bill® benefits and gain the skills you need to thrive in the exciting world of tech.


Why Choose Tech?

The tech industry is booming with opportunities, and the need for skilled professionals in fields like cybersecurity, web development, and user experience design is growing every day. A tech career brings significant benefits:

Meaningful work with real-world impact

Contribute to projects that improve people’s lives, protect critical infrastructure, or launch innovative new products.

Long-term career stability and growth potential

With the ever-evolving landscape of technology, there’s always opportunity for advancement and continuous learning.

Flexible work arrangements and remote opportunities

Many tech jobs offer flexible schedules and the possibility of remote work, allowing for greater work-life balance.

Competitive salaries

Tech professionals often enjoy excellent earning potential compared to many other industries.

Veteran Advantages

Your Skills are Valued in Tech

Your military experience has developed a unique set of skills that are highly sought-after in the tech industry. These include:

Leadership: Your ability to guide and motivate teams translates perfectly to managing projects and teams in tech companies.

Problem-solving: Veterans excel at analyzing complex situations and developing effective solutions – a critical skill for troubleshooting tech issues

Discipline and work ethic: Your commitment to excellence and dedication are valuable assets in the fast-paced tech environment.

Teamwork: Military experience fosters a strong understanding of collaboration and working towards a common goal.

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G.I. Bill® Education

Utilize Your G.I. Bill® Benefits for Tech Education

As a veteran, you’ve earned the right to educational benefits through the G.I. Bill®. These benefits can be used to fund your tech education, empowering you to transition into a new and exciting career field. V School’s programs are approved for G.I. Bill® funding.

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Introducing V School

V School: Your Partner in Tech Transition

V School is dedicated to empowering veterans like you to achieve success in the tech industry. We understand the unique strengths and challenges that veterans face, and offer:

Veteran-focused support services

Get dedicated support, career guidance, and access to exclusive veteran resources throughout your transition.

Experienced instructors with industry expertise

Learn from instructors who bring years of real-world tech experience to the classroom.

Career-focused curriculum

Our programs are designed to equip you with the practical, job-ready skills that employers are looking for.