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Veteran Skills Transition Checklist

Bridge Your Military Experience to a Tech Career

Transitioning from military service to a civilian career can be exciting and rewarding. Your time in the military has equipped you with valuable skills and experiences highly sought after in the tech industry. This checklist helps you bridge the gap between your military skills and specific tech roles offered at V School.


  1. Review the list of Veteran Skills in the left column.
  2. Identify the skills you possess and check the corresponding boxes.
  3. Match your checked skills with the relevant Tech Roles and V School Programs in the right column.


Serving your country has equipped you with a unique skillset. From leadership and problem-solving to unwavering dedication and attention to detail, your military experience provides a strong foundation for success in the tech industry. This checklist explores how your valuable skills translate to in-demand tech careers, helping you confidently navigate your transition and leverage your strengths in the exciting world of technology.

Leadership & Management:

Veterans excel at leading teams, delegating tasks, and making strategic decisions under pressure. These skills translate perfectly to managing tech projects, motivating teams, and ensuring project success.

Skills: Project Management, Team Leadership & Collaboration, Delegation & Prioritization, Strategic Planning & Decision Making.

Technical Aptitude & Problem-Solving:

The military fosters quick learning, analytical thinking, and effective problem-solving. These skills are crucial for veterans transitioning to tech, allowing them to readily grasp new technologies, analyze data, and troubleshoot complex software issues.

Skills: Learning Agility & Adaptability, Analytical Thinking & Data Analysis, Critical Thinking & Decision Making under Pressure, Troubleshooting & Problem-Solving Strategies.

Communication & Collaboration:

Clear communication is essential in both the military and tech. Veterans excel at conveying complex information, writing technical documents, and collaborating effectively with diverse teams, making them valuable assets in tech projects.

Skills: Clear & Concise Communication (written & verbal), Technical Writing & Documentation, Collaboration with Diverse Teams, Effective Communication of Complex Ideas.

Work Ethic & Discipline:

The military instills a strong work ethic, discipline, and the ability to meet deadlines. These qualities are highly valued in tech, where veterans can excel at delivering projects on time and exceeding expectations.

Skills: Meeting Deadlines & Time Management, Maintaining Focus & Concentration, Dedication & Work Ethic, Initiative & Self-Motivation.

Choose Your Tech Path

Ready to take the next step? V School offers comprehensive programs in Cybersecurity, Web Development, and User Experience Design, designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to launch a successful career in your chosen field.


Full Stack Development

User Experience

Next Steps:

  1. Use this checklist to identify your top skills and their alignment with tech roles and V School programs.
  2. Connect with our veterans’ admissions advisor to discuss your unique background and explore program options that best match your skills and aspirations.

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